UX with AI from Stanford

Create a Better User Experience: An Introduction to Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Digital Interfaces
In this webinar, Stanford Computer Science Professor Michael Bernstein will teach you strategies for designing better, smarter user interactions by integrating artificial intelligence into your user experience. This webinar is for anyone who’s interested in user experience, web design, web development, and the basics of artificial intelligence. Watch now >>

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Do You Really Need to Say “But Not Limited To”?

Power linesThe word ‘includes’ is usually a term of enlargement, and not of limitation, so the  phrase “but not limited to” isn’t necessary.


Continue reading “Do You Really Need to Say “But Not Limited To”?”

WebCode.Tools: Code Generators


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End of Long Service Leave

Over 7 years since the last public post. Forunate to say moved on with PD rather than full circle, although there was that chance to to laps a few times!

I had referenced a few posts from here, maintained silent PD notes, however it was Graham’s Number that prompted the return of the Jedi.


Plus a bonus for kids into maths via sports:


PS: This is the first post in the “maths” category, that must be a sign of maturity!